Thursday, February 22, 2007

Changes to Accept / Print Function (individual orders)

With the upcoming changes to our maintenance completion form, we have removed the "accept / print" function at the individual order level. You still have the ability to "accept / print" (one or many work orders) from the "Select Work Order Screen."

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

HUD Changes Effective Date on ML 2007-03

HUD released an announcement today that they are extending the effective date for following the new regulations. Please be prepared to start performing work per the new specifications on March 26th, 2007. Please contact your RVC if you have questions on FAFS's interpretation of the new regulations. We will also post a quick reference sheet to highlight some of the areas that have changed. Stay tuned.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

HUD Requirement Update

Mark your calendars! February 24th is the effective date for the new HUD Requirements. To view this document, click on the "HUD Regulations" link on this blog. Once you access HUD CLIPS, select "2007 Mortgagee Letters" then select "07-3 Revision of Preservation and Protection Requirements and Cost Reimbursements." To download the documents select "Click here for attachment" located at the top of Mortgagee Letter 2007-3. Please familairize yourself with the new requirements. Stay tuned for highlighted changes and helpful hints to meet these requirements.